Account Manager Help

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Account Manager

In the Account Manager, you can create your account, retrieve your Case PIN, retrieve your username and have a temporary password issued to you.

Account Creation

To create an account profile you will need to click the Create my account link located in the Account Manager section of the Login page.

Retrieve Case PIN

You can have your Case PIN set your home address if you cannot login to the application. Clicking the Create my account link located in the Account Manager section and then click on the send me my PIN. link on the Account creation Step 1 page.

Forget Username

If you forgot your Username, click the Forgot my Username link.

You will need to:

  • Enter your case number (and if you have more than one case, enter any of your case numbers)
  • Enter your email address that you provided when you created your account

After entering this information and clicking the Next button, you will be prompted to:

  • Enter your answer to the presented security question

Your Username will be sent to the email address that is stored in your account profile.

Forget Password

If you forgot your password, click the Forgot my Password link.

You will need to:

  • Enter your account Username
  • Enter the email address that you provided when you created your account profile

After entering this information and clicking the Next button, you will be prompted to:

  • Enter your answer to the presented security question

A temporary password will be sent to the email address that is stored in your profile.

Contact OCSS

For Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) contact information, please click the Contact Us link located on the Login page.